Awakening is the first of two theatrical compilation movies that preceded the release of "Kamen Rider Amazons: The Last Judgement" feature film. Awakening compiles the events of Season 1, which follows a mysterious Amazon hunter named Jin Takayama, who transforms into Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha; the heavily-sheltered Haruka Mizusawa, who transforms into Kamen Rider Amazon Omega; and the Nozama Pest Control Service, a small group of mercenaries contracted to hunt down the awakening Amazons.
as Haruka Mizusawa / Kamen Rider Amazon Omega
as Jin Takayama / Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha
as Mizuki Mizusawa
as Nanaha Izumi
as Reika Mizusawa
as Shogo Kano
as Makoto Shidou
as Jun Maehara
as Kouta Fukuda
as Kazuya Misaki
as Nozomi Takai
as Takaaki Tenjou
as Mamoru / Mole Amazon
as Yuugo Tachibana