Hikaru Genji, the haunted romantic hero of Lady Murasaki Shikibu’s “Genji Monogatari” (Tale of Genji) comes to life in this new tale of his further romantic adventures. Young Genji, the emperor’s illegitimate son cuts a swath through the women of the imperial court, while still mourning the spirit of his late mother who died while he was still a child. Driven to an obsession with the emperor’s new concubine, Lady Fujitsubo, whose resemblance to his late mother originally caught the eye of the emperor, young Genji embarks upon a reckless affair with her that could cost him his life.
as Hikaru Genji
as Fujitsubo / Kiritsubo
as Oborozukiyo
as Aoi no ue
as Suetsumuhana
as Murasaki
as Princess Akikonomu
as Lady Kokiden
as Lady Rokujo
as To no Chujo
as Emperor Suzaku
as Prince Hyobu
as Koremitsu
as Minister of the Right
as Ben
as Emperor