In this second film revolving around the character Bølle Bob, the town mayor and Miss Friis, the stuck-up headmistress, plan to raze Lilleby School to the ground. And it¿s up to Bølle Bob, the class clown, to take charge. Aided by the aging rock musician Valde, Bølle Bob and all his friends put on a musical to recruit new students, so their endangered school can survive. But the mayor and Miss Friis soon reach into their bag of dirty tricks.
as Bølle Bob
as Lise Mette
as Smukke Sally
as Smut
as Politimester Quist
as Borgmester
as Frk. Friis
as Valde
as Fru Basse
as Benny
as Sonny
as Blom
as Mor
as Far
as Tante Anna
as Taxa Chauffør
as Lasse
as Eva
as Leslie
as En dame
as TV Journalist
as Brandmajor
as Avisbud
as Fuglen Pouls stemme
as Klassekammerat
as Klassekammerat
as Musiklærer
as Gerda