In the distant future, Earth is occupied by ancient gods and genetically altered humans. When a god is sentenced to death he seeks a new human host and a woman to bear his child.
as Jill
as Nikopol
as Elma Turner
as Froebe
as John
as Horus
as Allgood
as Lily Liang
as Checker
as Jack Turner
as Hotel Receptionist
as Tycho Barman
as Pusher / Salesman
as Eugenics' Little Boy
as Horus's Baby
as Huxley
as Anubis
as Bastet
as The Giant
as Jonas
as Civil Servant
as Barman Giant's Bar / Nurse
as Customer in Giant's Bar
as Sam
as Elma Turner's Patient
as Pilot Helicopter 2 / Policeman 2
as Pilot Helicopter 1 / Policeman 1
as Schneider
as Egyptologue