Death Before Dishonor XVI is an upcoming two night professional wrestling event produced by Ring of Honor (ROH), which will take place on September 28 and 29, 2018 at Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The first night will be a pay-per-view broadcast, while night two will be a set of TV tapings for the company's flagship program Ring of Honor Wrestling.
as Jay Lethal
as Will Ospreay
as Cody
as Hangman Page
as Marty Scurll
as Matt Jackson
as Nick Jackson
as Kazuchika Okada
as Chuck Taylor
as Trent Barretta
as Rocky Romero
as Tomohiro Ishii
as Bully Ray
as Silas Young
as Colt Cabana
as Flip Gordon
as Punishment Martinez
as Chris Sabin
as Sumie Sakai
as Tenille Dashwood
as Jay Briscoe
as Mark Briscoe
as Christopher Daniels
as Frankie Kazarian
as Kenny King
as Jushin Thunder Liger