A few years back tragic events tied the fate of three Catholic priests. From then on they meet on every anniversary of the disaster to celebrate their survival. On an everyday basis they have their ups and downs. Lisowski works at the curia in a big city, has a career and is dreaming of the Vatican. Problem is, archbishop Mordowicz, an opulent church official who uses his political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland, gets in his way. The second priest, Trybus, is a village parson. He ministers to a poor community and gives in to human weaknesses more and more often. Kukuła is not faring well either. Despite his fervent faith, he loses the trust of his parishioners actually overnight. Soon the stories of the three clergymen are going to join once again.
as ksiądz Andrzej Kukuła
as ksiądz Tadeusz Trybus
as ksiądz Leszek Lisowski
as arcybiskup Mordowicz
as Hanka Tomala, gospodyni księdza Trybusa
as ksiądz Jan, wikary w parafii księdza Kukuły
as Natalia, gospodyni księdza Kukuły
as Rysiek Malinowski
as ojczym Ryśka
as Bożena
as pielęgniarka Kaczorowska
as syn Nowakowej
as uczeń Bury
as komendant Janusz Bury
as sierżant Madecki
as Żenia
as grabarz
as kolega
as nauczycielka etyki
as Sara
as lekarz
as rejestratorka w szpitalu
as Schoolgirl
as uczeń Waliszko
as Rescuer
as Parishioner
as Mrozowska
as Senior Constable Borek
as Sergeant
as komendant posterunku
as Zajdel
as Grzelakowa
as Grzelakowa's son
as Jadzia
as Michał
as Father Teodor
as Father Marian
as Father Petarda
as Father Skiba
as Priest with an accordion
as Archbishop's secretary
as Cleric
as Chancellor
as Father Petrycki
as Father Dziękuję
as Father Stanisław
as Young Kukula
as Mother
as Father
as Mother Superior Jukunda
as Nun
as Krzyś
as Guilty
as wymierzający karę
as wyrostek
as Little Lisowski
as ksiądz Stanisław
as ksiądz Bogdan
as ksiądz dyżurny
as ksiądz Leman
as ksiądz Rwanda
as ksiądz w ośrodku
as ksiądz w ośrodku
as ksiądz w ośrodku
as ksiądz w ośrodku
as ksiądz w ośrodku
as ksiądz w ośrodku
as ksiądz w ośrodku
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii, dziennikarz
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii, dziennikarz
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii
as ofiara pedofilii, zakonnica
as ofiara pedofilii (w napisach: Karol Zapała)
as Zakrzewska
as Kuraś
as arcybiskup Śliż
as kierownik budowy
as inspektor
as Mocarz
as lizus
as X
as proboszcz parafii miejskiej
as pasażer
as babcia z wnukiem
as Wilusz
as Herr Szmidt
as czeska recepcjonistka
as ginekolog
as domina
as włoski pilot
as Henio
as szukający sprawiedliwości
as uczeń Goleń
as uczeń Dyrdycz
as uczeń Matysik
as uczeń Urbaniak (w napisach: Maksym Topyła)
as pielęgniarka
as Czekaj
as Romański
as szef zakładu pogrzebowego
as dziennikarz włoski
as urzędniczka
as policjant w szpitalu
as poseł
as poseł
as pani minister
as narzeczony
as dyrektor Caritasu
as kierowca ciężarówki
as zakonnica
as zakonnica
as Wiesiek
as chłopiec
as ksiądz spiker
as ksiądz Żaba
as matka Hanki
as Frau Bettina Szmidt
as pan Edward
as ofiara pedofilii