This film describes the narrator's childhood, the years before and after the Hungarian Soviet Republic, in a burlesque and fabulous style and with the humour of a child's fantasy.
as Liza
as Géza
as Anna néni
as Jancsi
as Erzsi néni
as Viktor bácsi
as Gabi
as Gyuri
as Bujták grófnõ
as Kulkai házmester
as Rendõr
as Khünrfeld gyáros
as Debrõi Lilienthal kisasszony
as Kulkainé
as Detektív
as Kamarásné
as állomásfõnök
as Kalauz
as Szakállas utas
as Rumschlik londíner
as Detektív
as A nemzeti hadsereg tisztje
as Weiskopf
as Cselédlány a mesében
as Tábori püspök
as Bailiff
as Kamarás mérnök
as Parasztasszony
as Kántor Jani, a betörõ
as A nemzeti hadsereg tisztje
as Soproni polgár
as Szállodaportás
as Juliska