Story of an innocent girl named Jigyaasa Mathur (Played by Hrishitaa Bhatt) who comes from a middle-class-family and daughter of a school teacher named Malini Mathur (Played by Varsha Usgaonkar). Malini is a woman with principles and emotions. Jigyaasa wants to become a Film Actress and her mother has no objections about it. But Jigyaasa has some other plans. Jigyaasa will go to any limits to reach her goal. Within a time span of five years. Jigyaasa reaches the top and is now India's highest paid Super star. A middle class innocent girl enters Bollywood. And dominates and manipulated the dark world of Bollywood. Based on some actual witnessed events. This roller-coaster ride of a girl's journey to achieve stardom is mixed with Humor, Emotions, Sex, Domination, Dirty Celebrity Gossips, Film-Politics, Abuse, Sadism, Betrayel, Naked-Mobile-Clippings, Drugs, Glamour, Back-Bitching, Molestations, Perversions, Underworld-Connections...All rolled into one!!!
as Ramesh Shah Tak
as Ashok Kumar Shaayar
as Jigyaasa Mathur
as Neha Sharma
as Monisha Singh (as Divya Divedi)
as Subhash Desai
as Avinash Chopra
as Nand Kishore - Nanduji
as Anthony Mascerenhas
as Haider Bhai
as Qamaal Hussain
as Malini Mathur
as Rajeev Sen