AYoung engineer Pavel Kaurov goes to his first destination — to the port city of Sibirsk. He is appointed to lead a group of cranes: gantry and floating. After several troubles Pavel mastered the port work and received a serious assignment. Meanwhile, his fiancee Nina, an architect by profession, is arriving in Siberia. However, besides Pavel, fellow students came to the station to meet her — Petunin's brother and sister, in whose house she is staying. Soon Annushka, who has long loved Pavel, arrives. From that day on, he had trouble after trouble. After a crane accident, which happened through his fault, the hero pulls himself together and does everything to regain the confidence of the brigade...
as Pavel Kaurov
as Pavel's father
as Pavel's mother
as Annushka
as Nina
as Yevgeni Petunin
as Tamara Petunina
as Zubkov
as Batavin
as Vlasyuk
as Dubovik
as Pulin
as Vitya Yakhontova
as Smorodina
as Shilov
as Derbenyov
as Kotchenko
as Snegiryov
as Koshkin
as Pavel's neighbor
as an employee of the port
as Pelageya Ivanovna
as civil registry office employee
as secretary
as an elderly groom (uncredited)