The film is a biographical true story about life of Imadaddin Nasimi, well known throughout the East for his school of philosophy and thought, poems and promotion of moral values in a feudal society. During the 14th-15th centuries, when Azerbaijan was a stage for warring powers and civil wars, Nasimi was the only poet committed to promotion of humanism and moral values inflicting criticism on the ruling system and the society itself. For his intruding role in feudal regimes, Nasimi lived a complex and tragic life.
as Imadaddin Nasimi
as Fazlullah Naimi
as Fatma
as Yusif
as Dovlat Bey
as Shams
as Shirvanshah I Ibrahim
as Sheikh Azam
as Amir Teymur (Teymurlang)
as Miranshah
as Dervish
as Warrior
as Mahmud
as Gara
as Ali
as Mirali
as Hurufi
as Mirza
as Assassin
as Bahadir
as Dancer
as Murid
as Hurufi