The protagonist of the film, engineer Barkasov, finds himself in ridiculous and anecdotal situations all day. He is a responsible worker, the head of a large institution and is completely exhausted from pressing urgent matters. On the advice of a doctor, his deputy bought two operetta tickets for his boss and ordered secretary Sofochka to accompany Barkasov at an evening performance...
as Алексей Гаврилыч Баркасов, инженер
as Зоя Баркасова, жена Баркасова
as Алиса Юрьевна, тёща Баркасова
as Анюта, няня Бориса
as Иван Силыч Тятин, заместитель Баркасова
as Настя Тройкина, машинистка
as Софочка, секретарша Баркасова
as Юрий Крутецкий, 1-й и 4-й муж Софочки
as Пётр Слоняев, поэт
as Абрамоткин
as электрик
as посетитель с кроликами
as Дарья Ивановна Кобылина
as Кобылин
as истопник
as доктор
as сосед
as соседка
as Director of the radio center
as медсестра
as Борис, сын Баркасовых
as фельдшер
as служащий
as диктор
as посетитель
as мороженщица Валя (нет в титрах)
as милиционер