Norwegian Ninja is the true story of how Commander Arne Treholt and his Ninja Force saved Norway during the Cold War. In 1983 the Ninja Force discovers that the sinister NATO force Stay Behind, who take charge in times of war and emergency, are planning a coup-d'état in peacetime. Treholt and the Ninjas see only one solution: a full can of whoop-ass.
as Kommandør Arne Treholt
as Otto Meyer
as Kong Olav V
as Ragnhild Umbraco
as Humla
as Svarte-Per
as Øystein Fjellberg (as Øyvind V. Kjeksrud)
as Kusken
as Kjettingen
as Tromsø
as Linsa
as David Friedland
as Han som sover
as Den usynlige skikkelsen
as Rekonstruksjons-Treholt
as Titov
as Lopatin
as Karl Gustav Killing-Jaall
as Finn Bohr
as Endre Bekken
as Alexander Rosenhoff
as Småflypiloten
as Dyrepasserninja
as Fortellerstemmen
as Nyhetsstemme
as CIA-stemme