"Geek USA" is a quirky romantic comedy filled with 90s nostalgia about a high school senior in a rock band who suddenly goes from zero social life to having three very competitive dates for prom.
as Phil Brown
as Mike Carsetti (as Gregory James Berney)
as Ace Woodward
as Sabrina Smith
as Kyra Featherstone
as Brandy Jameson
as Geoff from T.E.N.G.
as Phil's Mom
as Phil's Dad
as Mr. Smith
as Mrs. Smith
as Cheryl
as Frank
as Andrew Morris
as Brandy's Mom
as Coach
as Ronnie
as Sloan
as Tuxedo Store Manager
as Vicky Barrington
as Jane
as Government Teacher
as ESL Teacher
as Claudia
as Bettie Jo
as Crying Guy
as Pop Girl
as Billy Meade
as T.E.N.G. Groupie
as Cannibal Pigs Guitarist
as Stagehand