After a shoplifter finds herself unexpectedly released on parole, she pays a call on the judge at her flat. The judge, Carole Rewinsky, does not tell Tina that her elease was only a clerical error. The two find they share things in common other than the judicial system, like a mutual interest in shoes. Carole allows Tina to crash on her chesterfield... Carole spots a pimp trolling for young girls at a café. Carole failed to put him away the last time, but now, with Tina agreeing to be the bait, she has a chance for better luck... The two find they complement one another well, like champagne and cassis. Carole needs to go to Annecy to crack a crooked casino case. Annecy happens to be Tina's home town... Written by David Carless
as Carole
as Mermot
as Malek
as Bruno
as Tina
as Avocat Mermot
as Philippe Jean
as Le psychopathe
as Le greffier
as Le dragueur café
as L'avocat jeune beur
as Le procureur
as Cyser
as L'homme tatoué
as Le jeune beur