The true story of Tancredo Neves, the first civilian president of Brazil after a 20-year military dictatorship, and the infamous hospitalization which led to his death before he ever managed to take office.
as Tancredo Neves
as Risoleta
as Dr. Pinheiro Rocha
as Dr. Pinotti
as Dr. Renault
as Britto
as Dr. Freire
as Dr. Gilberto Assis
as Dr. Marcos Peres
as Lopes Pontes
as Dr. Batista Rezende
as Radiologista
as Dr. Eloy
as Inês Maria
as Madre Ester
as Tancredo Augusto
as Aécio Neves
as Luisa
as Fotógrafo
as Apresentadora
as Mulher de longo
as Alto Funcionário
as Fisioterapeuta
as Maria do Carmo
as Mulher do Pronto Socorro
as Médico fotógrafo
as Locutor
as Jayme Landmann
as Patologista
as Cardiologista
as Enfermeiro Chefe UTI
as Senador
as Esposa de Pinheiro
as Repórter Jornal
as Atriz