What would happen today in a society which defines itself Catholic and Christian if Jesus really came back as announced in the Gospels? Who would take him seriously? And what difficulties would Jesus encounter today to be recognized?
as Gesù Cristo
as Maria
as Pietro
as Maddalena
as Matteo
as Andrea
as Tommaso
as Jacopo
as Giovanni
as Simone
as Bartolomeo
as Filippo
as Giacomo
as Mattia
as Parroco
as Alessia
as Indemoniata
as Pusher
as Primario Ospedale
as Daniele
as Paola
as Simona
as Michele
as Gianna
as Psichiatra
as Nurse
as Pusher
as Pusher
as Guardia giurata
as Giornalista
as Infermiera