The love story between a pampered Cocker Spaniel named Lady and a streetwise mongrel named Tramp. Lady finds herself out on the street after her owners have a baby and is saved from a pack by Tramp, who tries to show her to live her life footloose and collar-free.
as Lady (voice)
as Tramp (voice)
as Darling
as Jim Dear
as Jock (voice)
as Bull (voice)
as Peg (voice)
as Aunt Sarah
as Joe
as Elliott
as Trusty (voice)
as Doctor
as Isaac (voice)
as Devon (voice)
as Pet Shop Owner
as Tony
as Foreman
as Jock’s Owner
as Trusty’s Owner
as Chance (voice)
as Rex (voix)
as Ollie (voice)
as Dodge (voice)
as Dame (voice)