"Sideline Secrets" follows the story of high-schooler Devon Tyler. With the perfect girlfriend, a successful family, being at the top of his class and about to graduate, all seems perfect. However underneath it all, all is not what it seems. With the heightened awareness of his sexual identity, the screaming and slamming doors of his feuding parents and an overbearing persona of his girlfriend put forth, things couldn't get more difficult... or so he thinks. That is until a new boy enters his life and proves to be the missing key that brings everything together... Full of romance, suspense and secrets abound, "Sideline Secrets" is sure to leave you on the sidelines wanting more!
as Devon Tyler
as Brian
as Dr. Kirk Tyler
as Jenna
as Andrew
as Citarissa Pink
as Javiar the Bartender
as Antonio Banderas
as Blonde Frisbee Boy
as Soap Opera Star / Club Flyer Boy
as Detective Cunningham
as 8mm Boy Jared Ross; GoGo Dancer
as Brunette Frisbee Boy
as Brett
as Night Club Attendee
as Night Club Attendee
as Fantasy Boy
as Coffee Shop Barista
as Stephanie
as Night Club Attendee
as Night Club Attendee
as Night Club Attendee
as Night Club Attendee
as Night Club Attendee
as Missing Boy
as Sean
as Donna Tyler
as Waitress
as Bennie
as Nicole
as Molly - Secretrary
as Missing Person #3; Ryan Stefani
as Soap Opera Actress
as Coffee House Patron
as Amy
as Missing Boy
as Missing Person