The story follows Sunset Shimmer, who (using her powers) finds out that her friends' memories of her have been mysteriously erased, resulting in them getting amnesia. Determined to set things straight, she'll need Princess Twilight's help from Equestria in order to find out the source of what caused her friends' memory loss.
as Sunset Shimmer / Twilight Sparkle (singing)
as Applejack / Rainbow Dash / Nurse Redheart
as Pinkie Pie / Fluttershy
as Rarity / Princess Luna / Vice Principal Luna
as Twilight Sparkle / Princess Twilight Sparkle
as Trixie Lulamoon
as Spike
as Princess Celestia
as Wallflower Blush / Pinkie Pie (singing)
as Micro Chips
as Maud Pie
as Rarity (singing)