In Item Falls, we are peaking. We start out at a casting call, but before long we're firmly in the grip of hallucination, shedding our anxieties and evidently regressing to the animation era, a time when stunt chickens were mere chicklets. Friendly archetypes float in and out of what seems like our bedroom. The red-headed Jenny has returned, but this time she's squeaky and trusting. Unlike in Center Jenny, here our perspective is literally centered. The camera seems to be the in middle of the room, which is good, because we're too blissed out to move. Luckily, our hallucinations look directly at us.
as Story Telling Significance Yet/Elegant Audition Chick Line Item
as Significantly Animated Human Country Chick Arrangements
as Basic Animated Concept Babe
as Ugly Normal Animation Hat
as British Stunt Voice Over
as Basic Sorority Audition Troll
as Significant Blue Animation with Birds/Significant Red Animation
as Audition Rental/Stunt Chicken Breakaway
as Significantly Animated Human Country Chick Arrangements
as Animation Timing
as Significant Lovers Watch
as Significant Dirt on Bird Man Animation
as Stunt Director Voice Over
as Audition Rental/Stunt Chicken Breakaways
as A Significant Animated Boy Band Bitch
as Guided Experimental Stunt Scaleability/TK
as Basic Animated Concept Babe
as Audition Rental/Stunt Chicken Breakaways
as Witness (Camera On) Audition Bitches/Division Blonde
as Witness (Camera On) Rentals
as Most Significant Animations Yet
as Camera On Essential Behavior Spots
as The Most Significant Cat Animation to Date
as Next Normal Shit/Boy Manager Band Behavior
as Animation Comments
as On This Level Yet
as The Most Significant Unity Prep Yet
as The Most Significant Unity Prep Yet
as The Most Significant Unity Prep Yet
as The Most Significant Unity Prep Yet
as Realistic Animation Steps
as Realistic Animation Steps
as World Tour Reincarnation Techniques
as Significant Basic Horse Animation Standard
as Realistically textured Audition Chick
as Realistically textured Audition
as Ugly Normal Animation Hat