In this gentle comedy, an unpopular resident in a Russian village has his life completely changed when he announces, entirely on a whim and just to upset things a bit, that he's moving to the Pacific coast.
as Kostya
as Fedya
as Valya
as Natalya
as Tatyana Ivanovna
as Filomeev
as Filipp Makarovich
as Vasilich
as Pozhilaya sosedka
as Pozhilaya sosedka
as priyatel Filomeeva
as priyatel Filomeeva
as Bayanist
as skupshchitsa Kolinoy mebeli
as Brat-bliznets
as Brat-bliznets
as Saratov - molodoy spetsialist
as Kolin sosedskiy malchik