Spring, 1941. Sixteen-year-old Toshihiko attends school in the coastal town of Karatsu, where his aunt cares for his ailing cousin. Immersed in the seaside's nature and culture, Toshihiko soon befriends the town's other extraordinary adolescents as they all contend with the war's gravitational pull.
as Toshihiko Sakakiyama
as Ukai
as Kira
as Aso
as Mina Ema
as Akine
as Chitose
as Keiko Ema
as Professor Yamauchi
as Dr. Ichijo
as Old Maid
as Toshihiko's Father
as Toshihiko's Mother
as Ryo Ema
as Woman at the Brothel
as Old Prostitute
as Military Police Man
as Professor Yamauchi's Mother
as Onnagata Actor
as Caligrapher
as Akine's Father
as Akine's Brother
as Old Man at Festival
as Present Day Toshihiko