In the thirties, two sisters separated by fate face prejudice and sexism, one by the high society in a big city and the other by a group of renegades in the countryside. Despite the distance, they know that they can only count on each other and both of them will assert themselves in their own and surprising way.
as Luiza
as Emília
as Dr. Eronildes
as Dr. Duarte
as Tia Sofia
as Orelha
as Felipe
as Carcará
as Lindalva
as D. Conceição
as Dona Dulce
as Degas
as Menino
as Cartógrafo mais novo
as Emília 13 anos
as Dadá
as Neném
as Velho Peão
as Baronesa
as Padre Otto
as Viúva Carvalho
as Luiza 12 anos
as Raimunda
as Lia
as Retratista Batizado
as Capanga 2
as Soldado Canteiro de Obras
as Capanga 1
as Chico
as Pescador
as Mulher Vila dos Pescadores
as Fala Mansa
as Coronel Pereira
as Capitão de Polícia
as Cartógrafo Mais Velho
as Florianinho
as Velho Comerciante
as Baiano
as Fotógrafo cidadezinha
as Soldado 3 Campo dos refugiados
as Tomás
as Frado
as Soldado 1
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro
as Cangaceiro