Eleven-year old Rikke lives alone with her father, whose only interest in life seems to be the soccer matches which appear on his television. Not surprisingly, Rikke is somewhat bored. She enters a contest put on by a cereal company which has as its grand prize a horse. Since she lives in the city in a second floor apartment, it never occurred to her that she might win, but win she does. The horse ("Mama-Mia") duly appears, and she and the members of her slum neighborhood come together to cope with the situation in a delightful way.
as Rikkes far
as Rikke
as Charlotte - lærerinde
as Ludvig
as Hestepige
as Bettina
as Anna
as Rikkes mor
as Bettinas mor
as Joe
as Blikkenslagermester
as Blikkenslagerlærling
as Blikkenslagerlærling
as Blikkenslagerlærling
as Reklamepige
as Reklamefotograf
as Tyv
as Tyv
as Konkurrencerytter
as Konkurrencerytter
as Gammel dame
as Urmageren Helmuth
as Reklamebureauejer