A joyous family reunion becomes a hilarious nightmare as Madea and the crew travel to backwoods Georgia, where they find themselves unexpectedly planning a funeral that might unveil unpleasant family secrets.
as Betty Ann "Aunt Bam" Murphy
as Hattie Mae Love
as Mabel "Madea" Simmons / Joe / Brian / Heathrow
as Vianne
as Anthony
as Aj
as Silvia
as Jesse
as Carol
as Gia
as Will
as Renee
as Ms. Shirleen
as Police Officer
as Roy
as Anthony's Mistress
as Joanne the Scammer
as Doctor
as Miss V
as Hattie
as The Undertaker
as Deacon Wife at Funeral
as Male Funeral Goer
as Funeral Goer
as Man speaking at Funeral
as Deacon
as Female Funeral Goer
as Pastor
as SEEiT Choir
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as SEEiT Choir (as Derek Lamont Wideman)
as SEEiT Choir (as Monique Carol Baisden)
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