Set against the backdrop of World War 2, the film spans over three different phases of the life of the protagonist Kammaran who gets inspired by freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose and joins INA to secure Indian independence from British rule.
as Kammaran
as Othenan
as Bhanumathi
as Kelu Nambiar
as Thilakan
as Kamala
as Naheshwari
as Surendran
as Pulikeshi
as Selvan Moopan
as Francis
as Siju Dinesan
as Rajappan
as Chandrabhanu
as Bose-Siddique
as Bose wife
as Coogan
as Irene
as Merchiston
as Satnaam Singh
as Manukumar
as Pattar
as Gomathi
as Vishwambharan
as Muthasshi
as Murugeshan
as Subhas Chandra Bose