In the sequel to 1990's classic Neo Chinpira, Junko (Sho Aikawa) attempts to take out Kazama and then goes on the run. However, he quickly begins to feel homesick, and returns home to find that almost everything has changed. Noriko is now a bar mama with a lavish lifestyle, Yumeko is nowhere to be found, and his boss (Toru Minegishi) seems to have sinister plans involving Junko and his uncle (Jo Shishido).
as Junko Mizuta
as Kahori Sudo
as Yumeko
as Mitsuo Kikuchi
as Makoto Kawamura
as Kozo Yamamoto
as Noriko
as Police Officer
as Satake
as Shinji Kazama
as Foreman
as Hideo Yoshikawa
as Junichi Mizuta