The film tells a story in the life of a young teenager from a broken Midwestern family who can not sleep. She believes a band of ragtag outlaws, who kills their victims in their dreams, will chase her down to her demise. The young teen Carrie Sane (Presley Bishop) visits a neurologist, Dr. Steve Blackburn, in hopes that he can cure the unstoppable seizures that she is plagued with day by day and monsters that haunt her at night.
as Carrie Sane
as Dr. Zara Yorgov
as Oliver
as Narrator
as Secretary Andrews
as Dr. Blacckburn
as Hit Man
as Lawrence Piper
as Jim Arthur
as Agent Winter
as Yasuko Tojo
as Agent Marvin
as Agent Adams
as Agent Riggle (uncredited)
as Billy McAllistair (uncredited)