Set in the mythical world of Rhymeland, Gordon Goose returns home to discover that his mom has mysteriously vanished. Now the characters of Rhymeland are in danger of disappearing unless Mother Goose returns.
as Gordon Goose
as Little Bo Peep
as Peter Piper
as Mary (Had a Little Lamb)
as Michael
as Georgie Porgie
as Jill (of Jack and Jill)
as Lou the Lamb
as Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
as Newscaster / Game Show Host
as Old King Cole
as Humpty Dumpty
as Three Blind Mice
as Little Miss Muffet
as Carnival Barker
as Mary Quite Contrary
as Jack (of Jack and Jill)
as Simple Simon
as Mother Goose
as Itsy-Bitsy Spider
as Minister of Merriment
as All The King's Men
as Mother Hubbard