This comedy, set in 1983 in small town Virginia, centers around a 13 year old and her family. The story of a hairstyle gone incredibly wrong and a young girl's plight to fit in while encountering bullies at a new school.
as Jim Dixon
as Jeanne Dixon
as Aurelie
as Jerry, The Therapist
as Brett
as Audience Member (uncredited)
as Barry
as Maylene
as Missy
as Kelly
as Sally
as Harold
as Poetry Boy
as Mary John
as Trish
as Lydia
as Kid on Bus
as Mrs. Trip
as Ray
as Mrs. Martingale
as Pete
as Mr. Bowling
as Therapy Guy
as Lacy
as Custodian
as Ginger-Ale
as Florence Jacks
as Tutor
as Poetry Girl