The story begins in 1917 with Stan and Ollie being drafted into the U.S. Army to fight in World War I. While in the Army, the pair befriend a man named Eddie Smith, who is killed by the enemy during a battle. After the war is over, Stan and Ollie venture to New York City, where they begin a quest to reunite Eddie's little daughter with her rightful family. The task proves both monumental and problematic as the boys discover just how many people in New York have the last name Smith.
as Stan
as Ollie
as Eddie Smith
as Eddie's Little Girl
as Old Woman with Letter
as General
as Uncle Jack
as Annie
as Recruiting Sergeant
as Welfare Association Officer
as Mr. Smith
as Wrong Eddie's Bride
as The Wrong Eddie
as Wrong Eddie's Father
as Mr. Hathaway
as Welfare Association Officer (uncredited)
as Bridesmaid (uncredited)
as Mrs. MacTavish (uncredited)
as Janitor (uncredited)
as First Bridesmaid - Left Column (uncredited)
as Wedding Guest (uncredited)
as Butler (uncredited)