Lillie, a determined American woman, ventures overseas to join Dr. Jude at a remote medical mission in the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey). However, Lillie soon finds herself at odds with Jude and the mission’s founder, Woodruff, when she falls for the titular military man, Ismail, just as the war is about to erupt.
as Lillie Rowe
as Ismail Veli
as Jude Gresham
as Woodruff
as Khalil Bey
as Melih Pasha
as Mr. Rowe
as Christapor
as Doctor
as Nurse
as Mrs. Rowe
as Mr. Clemson
as Aghavni
as Ahmet
as Zoya
as Leader
as Admission Nurse
as Orderly
as Laborer
as Shepherd
as Voice Actor
as (voice)
as First Brigand
as Aghavni's Grandmother