Director of detention, director Nowacki finds Sergeant Zawada, who is hiding from the world. An experienced officer returns to the game and gets a new task - he becomes the commander of the convoy, who is to transport a very dangerous prisoner to a psychiatric hospital. Members of his team are people with a complicated past. Among them is also Feliks, full of ideals, privately the husband of Nowacki's daughter, who should never have found himself in a prisoner. The prison director, having lost control of the convoy, chases to repair, and may hide the uncomfortable truth for him. The real purpose of the convoy is slowly coming to light. Conflicts arise between men and tension increases, with unexpected twists every minute. From now on, justice can be done on its own.
as sierżant Andrzej Zawada
as Marek Nowacki, dyrektor więzienia
as sierżant Berg
as kapral Maciąg, funkcjonariusz GISW
as Kulesza "Nauczyciel"
as Feliks
as Ewa, córka Nowackiego, żona Feliksa
as Nowacka
as prokurator
as szef Służby Więziennej
as Wasiak
as "Chudy"
as ksiądz
as Fałat, strażnik w Ożagówce
as lekarz więzienny Fus
as pielęgniarz bez palca
as pielęgniarka
as oddziałowy
as oddziałowy
as dowódca GISW
as diler
as Krysia, sekretarka Nowackiego