Drama exploring the story of ten-year-old Damilola Taylor, who died on a housing estate in South London in 2000. After leaving Nigeria to embark on a new life in the UK, the young Damilola and his family are full of optimism. Little do they realise that their lives are about to be shattered
as Richard Taylor
as Gloria Taylor
as DCI Nick Ephgrave
as Detective Wallace
as Tunde Taylor
as Damilola Taylor
as Gbemi Taylor
as Dapo
as Nathan
as Auntie Dorcas
as Leanne
as Junior
as Will
as Tayo
as Chris
as Cab Driver
as Council Worker
as Prosecution Barrister
as Defence Barrister
as Male Witness
as Pathologist
as Witness Bromley
as Damilola's Teacher
as Passionate Youth
as Head of Department