The story begins in March of 1968, the days of students protests. A hot- headed student protests the Dean's decision to expell a fellow student on fake accusation charges, upon which he drops out of university rather than make a compromise. He loses everything in the process: his girlfriend, housing privileges - he becomes a coal deliverer. On the job he witnesses an accident that causes death of a fellow worker. He decides to write a story, which is good and a publishing house wants to print it, but only after some corrections are made. He refuses again and the story is not printed. Finally, a story is commercialized and made into a succesful film and brings fame to the original author.
as Maria
as Matka Marii
as Ojciec Andrzeja
as Redaktor naczelny
as Stryj Karol
as Józef Moneta
as Anna, żona stryja Karola
as ojciec Monety
as student
as wozak Wiktor
as uczeń Monety
as matka Monety
as reżyser filmowy
as matka Andrzeja
as kapitan SB
as Daria
as śpiewająca dziewczyna
as przedstawiciel władz studenckich na spotkaniu z dziekanem
as dziekan
as student Janek
as węglarz "Kyzioł"
as redaktor Januszek
as sekretarka dziekana
as majster
as student z maszynopisami
as ojciec Marii
as pani Marina, sekretarka w redakcji pisma