Jake Casper, an ordinary high school student, finds a powerful, extraordinary box in the attic of his Grandpa's antique store. He must learn the purpose of the box, the power within it, and overcome all obstacles in his way before it is too late.
as David
as Pizza Guy
as Thug
as Maggie
as Sarah
as Jake Casper
as Richie
as Social Worker
as Pastor Mike
as Connie
as Paco
as Self
as Woman with Jesus and Simon
as Hospital Administrator
as Nurse
as Jake's Grandpa
as Nurse 2
as Anna
as Principal
as Doctor
as Nurse
as Doctor
as Paco's Mom
as Crazy Hospital Patient
as Cindy
as Richard
as Awkward Elevator Guy
as Mrs. Rousso
as Extra
as Doctor On-Call
as Student
as Mrs. Anderson
as Older Boy
as Young Boy
as Gossip Lady
as Church Patron
as Church Patron
as Campus Cop
as Anna's Sister
as Holy
as Thug
as Jimmy