In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children's television show aired during the 1990s begin to get murdered one by one, puppet Phil Philips, a former LAPD detective who fell in disgrace and turned into a private eye, takes on the case at the request of his old boss in order to assist detective Edwards, who was his partner in the past.
as Detective Connie Edwards
as Phil Philips / Junkyard / Boar
as Lt. Banning
as Jenny
as Agent Campbell
as Bubbles
as Sandra
as Goofer / Vinny
as Bumblypants / Lyle
as Ronovan Scargle
as Brittenie Marlowe
as Tommy
as Tito
as Rick
as Dick
as Phil
as Robin
as Paramedic
as Police Station Guard John / Puppet Doctor
as Officer Milligan
as Officer Delancey
as Junior
as Caesar
as Jack Cook
as Fireman
as Kerry
as Pretty Girl
as Razor
as Sandra's Bodyguard
as Sandra's Bodyguard
as Rio
as Carol / Dalmatian / Cara
as Donny
as Larry / Old Man Puppet
as Sexist Thug / Ezra
as Crab
as Roxy
as Roxy / Cow / Rotten Cotton Girl
as Rotten Cotton Girl
as Octopus / Puppet Doctor