The story revolves around a boy named Guppy(Master Chethan) who finds his living out of rearing and selling the small fish Guppy. Guppy has this dream of buying an automatic wheel chair for his ailing mother (Rohini). Things gets into turmoil when Engineer Thejus Varkey (Tovino Thomas) comes to the seaside village for the construction of a railway bridge. Many unexpected things occur when a small rivalry starts between Guppy and Engineer.
as Guppy
as Thejus Varkey
as Gate Keeper
as Guppy's mother
as Lalichan
as Oanachan
as Krishnan/Village Officer
as Paappan
as Tinku
as Chinnappan
as Aamina
as Aamina's mother
as Pappoy
as Khalid
as Chink Divakar
as Joseph
as Esthappan
as Christy