The Earth Day Special is a television special revolving around Earth Day that aired on ABC on April 22, 1990. Sponsored by Time Warner, the two hour special featured an all-star cast addressing concerns about global warming, deforestation, and other environmental ills.
as Mother Earth
as Charles McIntyre
as Walter Samson
as Nathan Thurm
as Kim
as Hellen
as Paula
as Vic
as Vic's Buddy
as Vic's Buddy
as Vic's Buddy
as Coach Stewart
as Bartender
as Doctor
as Doctor
as Hospital Director
as Every Lawyer
as Everyman
as Concerned Citizen
as Weekend Update Anchor
as Murphy Brown
as Elon Spengler
as Dr. Emmett L. Brown
as Doogie Howser M.D.
as Dr. Vinny Boombatz
as Sam Malone
as Rebecca Howe
as Woody Boyd
as Norm Peterson
as Cliff Clavin
as Dr. Frasier Crane
as Dr. Cliff Huxtable
as Clair Huxtable
as Denise Huxtable
as Theo Huxtable
as Vanessa Huxtable
as Rudy Huxtable
as Olivia Kendall
as Fresh Prince
as Dorothy Zbornak
as Rose Nylund
as Blanche Devereaux
as Sophia Petrillo
as Al Bundy
as Peggy Bundy
as Kelly Bundy
as Bud Bundy
as Marcy D'Arcy
as Self
as Kid [Kid 'N Play]
as Play [Kid 'N Play]
as Bugs Bunny / Porky Pig / Tweety (voice)
as Kermit the Frog (voice)
as Robin the Frog (voice)
as Old Frog (voice)
as Crocodile (voice)
as Lizard (voice)
as Additional Muppets (voice)
as Additional Muppets (voice)
as Guard
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self
as Self (uncredited)
as Self (uncredited)
as Self (uncredited)
as Self (uncredited)
as Self (uncredited)
as Weekend Update Announcer (voice) (uncredited)