"Tale of the Star Child" is a two-part television film, based on the works of Oscar Wilde. Like the earlier film, The Star Boy (1958), The Tale of the Star Boy, was based on two tales from Wilde's collection "A House of Pomegranates" - The Star-Child (1891) and The Birthday of the Infanta (1888) . However, the plot, in contrast to the first screen version, made more significant changes: in particular, added science-fiction elements and completely eliminated magic.
as Звёздный мальчик
as мать Звёздного мальчика
as хозяин созвездия
as ясновидящая - цыганка
as психолог созвездия
as учёный созвездия
as егерь
as крестьянка
as мальчик
as Эля
as мальчик-художник
as мальчик-карлик
as Инфанта
as Великий инквизитор
as камергерша инфанты
as бродяга артист
as Умелец - друг егеря