Set between the two World Wars and based on true historical events, Bitter Harvest conveys the untold story of the Holodomor, the genocidal famine engineered by the tyrant Joseph Stalin. The film displays a powerful tale of love, honour, rebellion and survival at a time when Ukraine was forced to adjust to the horrifying territorial ambitions of the burgeoning Soviet Union.
as Yuri
as Natalka
as Ivan
as Yaroslav
as Sergei
as Mykola
as Taras
as Medved
as Stefan
as Olena
as Walter Duranty
as Professor Temchuck
as Stalin
as Lubko
as Father Ostapovich
as Lazar Kaganovich
as Professor Malishnikov
as Anton
as Molotov
as Isak
as Peasant
as Varvara
as Dmitri
as Stalin's Bodyguard
as Helen
as Gregory Zinoviev
as Willard
as Nikolai Bukharin
as Boiko
as Voice over
as Andrei Zhdanov
as Gaunt Old Woman
as Revolutionary Pesant
as Yuri
as Senia