In 1913, an orphaned young woman arrives in Budapest to take up employment as a milliner at the hat store that belonged to her late parents but becomes mired in a search for a brother she had never known of.
as Írisz Leiter
as Oszkár Brill
as Zelma
as The Princess
as Szeréna
as Gaspar
as Otto von König
as Countess Rédey
as Ismael
as Man in White
as Doctor Herz
as The Caretaker
as Sándor
as Szilágyi
as Jubilee Man
as The Colonel
as The Prince
as Mrs. Müller
as White-bearded Coachman
as Lili
as Old Woman
as Milliner 2
as Younger Nurse
as Old Maid
as Tall Noncomissioned Officer
as Young Lady
as Movement Artist
as Movement Artist
as Movement Artist