Four friends find themselves in an unexpected dilemma after one of them falls for their principal's daughter. They find themselves on the run from a drug gang, a terrorist organization, and the police after they are accused of trying to assassinate the Minister of Interior.
as رامي
as وزير الداخلية
as ياسر الجوب
as هاني
as والدة حمادة
as زين عضو مجلس الشعب
as والد هاني
as اللواء حسين عرعر
as رشاد البحر حلاوة
as طلعت الشاطر
as والدة ياسر الجوب
as فداء أم هانى
as فتحي ناظر المدرسة
as قداح - ضيف شرف
as كمال أبو ريه والد رامي
as نسمة
as حسام أخو ياسر
as بثينه
as عاموس