This visually stunning erotic drama follows a young man who finds himself unexpectedly attracted to his handsome, outspoken male professor. Despite — or perhaps because of — his conservative upbringing, Hins is intent on getting close enough to Ming to understand him. It’s an experience that transforms his life and comes to define his adult identity.
as Hins Gao
as Antonio Ming
as Swan
as Joey
as Mother
as Judge
as Defense lawyer
as Prosecutor
as Woman in mask
as Man in mask
as Classmate
as Classmate
as Classmate
as Classmate
as Dean
as Canteen staff
as Canteen staff
as Schoolmate
as Schoolmate
as Schoolmate
as Schoolmate
as Bartender
as Customer
as Customer
as Boy on boat trip (kissing)
as Boy on boat trip (taking photos)
as Boy on boat trip (stealing clothes)
as Boy on boat trip (diving)
as Boy on boat trip
as Boy on boat trip (kissing)
as Boy on boat trip
as Boy on boat trip / Bonfire boy
as Boy on boat trip / Bonfire boy
as Joey's cousin
as Policeman / Blood father
as Money boy (massage)
as Money boy (blow job)
as Money boy (champagne)
as Money boy
as Money boy
as Money boy
as Young Hins
as Shu Juan
as Little Hins
as Customer
as Customer
as Father