Set in the pleasure district of Kyoto, Tamiko (Yoshiko Mita, in her first lead role) is a young girl attending high school by day and training as a geisha at night She sees her future as an entertainer, not a prostitute, & she expects a happy marriage with a medical student, Yasuke (Katsuo Nakamura), a sweet fellow she deeply loves. but things started to getting worse for Tamiko and she's forced to become the mistress of the disgusting Tsukada (Seiji Miyaguchi).
as Tamiko
as Yasuke
as Shigemi Nitta
as Tsutae
as Yukie
as Miyako
as Tsukada
as Oharu
as Oki
as "Manharu" master
as Otatsu
as Tsukiko
as Shuji
as Oyoshi
as Yoko
as Chiyomatsu
as Osen