Based on the novel by Hervey Allen, this expansive drama follows the many adventures of the eponymous hero, Anthony Adverse. Abandoned at a convent by his heartless nobleman father, Don Luis, Anthony is later mentored by his kind grandfather, John Bonnyfeather, and falls for the beautiful Angela Giuseppe. When circumstances separate Anthony and Angela and he embarks on a long journey, he must find his way back to her, no matter what the cost.
as Anthony Adverse
as Angela Guiseppe
as Vincent Nolte
as Maria
as John Bonnyfeather
as Marquis Don Luis
as Denis Moore
as Faith Paleologus
as Neleta
as Young Anthony Adverse
as Carlo Cibo
as Debrulle
as Father Xavier
as Brother Francois
as Sancho
as Tony Guisseppi
as Ouvrard
as Capt. Elisha Jorham
as Signora Bovino
as Nun
as Half-Caste Dancing Girl
as Mother Superior
as De Bourrienne
as Florence Udney
as Major Doumet
as Anthony's Son
as Mrs. Jorham
as Capt. Matanaza
as Lucia
as Coachman to Paris
as Coachman to Leghorn
as Napoleon Bonaparte
as Cook Guisseppi
as Ferdinando
as Carriage Driver
as Old Woman at Chalet
as Lady at Ball
as Lottery Celebrant
as Sister Ursula
as Arab
as Stranger
as White Man Whipping Slave
as Arab
as Midwife at Anthony's Birth
as Lady at Ball
as Majordomo
as Stranger