Set in the city of Uttar Pradesh and based on true events, the plot revolves around Dr. Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras who taught Marathi at Aligarh Muslim University. He was sacked from his position of Reader and Chair of Modern Indian Languages, on charges of homosexuality. A sting operation was conducted by a TV channel which showed him in an embrace with a rickshaw puller, at his house inside the campus.
as Professor Siras
as Deepu Sebastian
as Arvind Narayan
as Namita
as Tahir Islam
as Nita Grewal
as Tashi
as Prof. Sridharan
as Anjali Gopalan
as Shadab Qureshi
as Vijay Grover
as Irfan
as Adil
as Anuj
as Maggi D'Mello
as Sonali
as Vijay Grover's Assistant
as Nita Grewal's Assistant
as A. K. Murtaza
as Proctor Feroz Majid
as Proctor Zuber Khan
as Judge
as Siras House Owner #2
as Bansi Lal
as Abhilash Tripathi
as Prathmesh Sharma
as Mehmood Naqvi
as Karan Pai
as Medical Colony Reporter
as Medical Colony Reporter #2