One of Japan’s most popular folklore characters, Tange Sazen, the one-eyed and one-armed swordsman, must rescue the Yagyu clan from the treachery of a master plotting to take control over a sword fighting school.
as Tange Sazen
as Yagyu Genzaburo
as Shogun Yoshimune
as Ooka-no-kami Echizen
as Gamo Taiken
as Mine Tanba
as Hagino
as Ofuji
as Oren
as Guraku
as Tsuzumi no Yokichi
as Yagyu Tsushima-no-kami
as Chobiyasu
as Omiyo
as Tamaru Mondonosho
as Ishikawa Hanjiro
as Asaki Shisai
as Niimi Kamon
as Ko Dainoshin
as Shiba Jipposai
as Tani Daihachi
as Ippu-Sosho
as Inoue Hyoma
as Todoroki Junai
as Nanbu-gimi
as Genan
as Iwabuchi Tatsunosuke
as Omitsu
as Oine
as Ohana
as Osei
as Oyu
as Oume
as Ocho