Dangal is an extraordinary true story based on the life of Mahavir Singh and his two daughters, Geeta and Babita Phogat. The film traces the inspirational journey of a father who trains his daughters to become world class wrestlers.
as Mahavir Singh Phogat
as Geeta Phogat
as Babita Kumari
as Young Geeta
as Young Babita
as Omkar
as Coach Pramod Kadam
as Daya Kaur
as Harkinder
as Young Omkar
as Referee
as Mahavir's Brother
as Organiser
as Little Omkar
as Father of Mahaveer Singh Fogat
as Sunita
as Chicken Shop owner
as Government Officer
as Nigeria Coach
as Sammar
as Mahavir's Boss
as Laali
as Official
as Head of Department of the NSA
as Video Parlour Guy