The film tells the story of the energetic and pulsating singer Elis Regina since her arrival in Rio de Janeiro at age 19 until her tragic and early death. Despite all the difficulties, success comes fulminant and the life of Elis Regina gained national and international recognition, becoming undoubtedly considered today the greatest Brazilian singer of all time.
as Elis Regina
as Ronaldo Bôscoli
as César Camargo Mariano
as Romeu
as Miéle
as Jair Rodrigues
as Lennie Dale
as Nara Leão
as Beth
as Nelson Motta
as Marcos Lázaro
as Henfil
as Pittigliani
as Samuel
as Apresentador TV
as Assistente de Teste
as Babá
as Militar
as Empregada
as Jornalista Coletiva 1
as Jornalista Coletiva 2
as Jornalista Francês
as Mulher Bonita
as Mulher Plateia
as Radialista
as Roadie
as Mila
as João Marcello (4 anos)
as João Marcello (12 anos)
as Maria Rita (5 anos)
as Pedro (1 ano)
as Pedro (7 anos)